
WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson


WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson is a WordPress plugin that helps users address common accessibility issues in their WordPress themes. This plugin offers a range of features to help address accessibility problems caused by inaccessible themes and WordPress core accessibility issues. Additionally, it provides accessibility tools to help identify problems that need to be fixed.

With minimal setup and expert knowledge required, WP Accessibility adds helpful accessibility features to make your site more accessible to visitors with disabilities. It can help you add skip links, language and text direction attributes to HTML, and an outline to keyboard focus states. You can also enforce alt attributes on images in the Classic editor, identify images without alt attributes in the Media Library, and add long descriptions to images.

WP Accessibility offers accessibility tools like colour contrast testing, diagnostic CSS to show CSS-detectable problems in the visual editor or front-end of the site, and searching the media library for content in alt text fields.

While this plugin cannot correct every accessibility issue, it offers valuable tools to supplement the accessibility of your site and identify problems.

Finally, advanced users can customize functions by modifying stylesheets using their styles.

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$ 0.00

1 review for WP Accessibility by Joe Dolson

  1. Shivaji Mitra

    As someone who has dabbled in WordPress accessibility plugins, this one has been surprisingly amazing. It’s like having your accessibility consultant right in your WordPress dashboard!

    With just a few clicks, this plugin can address a host of common accessibility issues that come with using a WordPress theme. And the best part is that you don’t need to be an accessibility expert to use it. WP Accessibility makes it easy to add skip-links, enforce alt attributes on images, and add long descriptions with minimal setup required.

    The plugin also offers a range of accessibility tools that can help identify accessibility problems on your site. Try It Now!

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